Vision and Mission

Our Vision
Our vision is to hear the word of God, we  concede it into our hearts, we then preach it as it is written in the Bible from house to house, making those who believe Disciples of Jesus Christ for them to become His Ambassadors, and then all of us, we come together to make Him known to every creature starting from Matopeni our (Jerusalem) to all parts of the world through all available means by the help of the Holy Spirit.
Our Mission
Is to reach all God’s people in Matopeni then to the entire parts of the world. Making them understand the Love of Jesus Christ and His healing power in all areas of life Spiritually, Emotionally, Psychologically and financially as commissioned by our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Book of Luke 14:47 With my authority take this message of repentance to all nations of the world beginning from Jerusalem; There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me and will become be witnesses of all these things.