About Us.


We are a Pentecostal Ministry with an apostolic mantle. Jesus came on this Earth to seek that which was lost. Since the world is not our place to stay for ever, we are ambassadors of Jesus Christ representing heavenly Kingdom on this Earth. We are not shamed of the gospel. We are sent to preach to all creatures as the Bible says in the book of  Mathew 28:19. 

Our call is to restore apostolic mantle in the body of Jesus Christ. The body of Jesus Christ has been wounded everywhere. Many believers have lost the focus of the Cross. We want the cross to be the determining factor to our lives. Many servants of God have planted groves on their Alters. There is no difference between alters of Satan and the alter of God.  We speak the same language.  Someone can not tell the counterfeit and the real. We have brought the world into the church. 

Our prayer is to ask our Heavenly Father to forgive the church. May God do something in our Christian life. May the Spirit of God open our hearts so that we can be used by our dear heavenly Father the way He wants. The world doesn’t respect the church any more because of what they see us doing. We have set a bad example to the people that we serve. 

Pastors are fighting on the pulpit, we have made believers to fight in the church. A pastor is given a transfer but he doesn’t want to go, the other pastor who is to take that vacant looks for other believers to chase that pastor away, they ignite a fight. Brethren we are hear fighting the devil not human beings. We want to be a solution to the lives of God’s people who have been taken into captivity. Our vision as you can see is to go to neglected places where many servants of God have not reached to tell children of God that He loves them. Our call is to touch all the despised vessels as we know everyone is important in the eyes of God. 
If God’s people can be lifted spiritually and physically, they will move from one glory to another. What we lack in this generation is the teaching of the true word of God. We have moved for the things which please the flesh than the things which please the Spirit of God in us. Believers are running from one place to another searching for Miracles than seeking for the Miracle giver, the creator of the universe.  My cry to the saints of God is, can we please go back to the cross and repent for God to have mercy upon the nations of the world. Do we real know the God we serve? The devil has been there for more than humanity. So if we are not careful he knows all the tactics. 

If we seek for the kingdom of God first then all what we need shall be added unto us. The devil is lounging at the church because of the fights. God never called us to fight one another.  But the devil is happy when he sees brethren fighting. We pray that God touches his servants wherever they are so that we can join hands together to destroy the works of the enemy. Am sure if we can capitulate to God He will do something for us.