

The name Matopeni is a Kiswahili name which means a muddy place (Kiswahili is our national language). The reason why the place was named Matopeni is, from the out look of things, that place was so dirty that nobody desired to stay there. It was a dumping place. Nairobi sewage was directed to this place. But as time went by Nairobi started growing rapidly.

At this place people discovered the crushing of stones (quarry). Since getting jobs in Nairobi become intricate, people had to go to this place to hurtle stones for a living. It is not an easy job but they are managing. This people had to walk from some nearby Estes.

Houses became expensive for them, so some people decided to go to Matopeni and build muddy and iron sheets houses. We call them slums which were not expensive for them. Although people have started building stone houses in Matopeni, they are still staying in poverty. Because the spirit of poverty is following them. We need to break down this spirit to come out of this place in Jesus name.

As I was meditating upon this name (Matopeni) Spiritually, I got a revelation. Although Matopeni was a dirty place in the physical, this also applies to the Spiritual life. The devil has smeared people with spiritual mud in this place.

He has made them to stay poor, even if they try doing anything they can not succeed unless something is done. A curse was pronounced in this place. So that is the reason why God sent us there, to bring a solution to His people, to teach and preach good tidings to the poor as it is written in the book of Isaiah 61 the whole chapter.

We are pleased to introduce Soft Voice Mission Ministry to you. This is a Ministry which God Himself anointed and gave it to us to go to Matopeni and become a blessing to many. The Bible says, God is looking for workers, we are available for the work. We are ready to reach all categories of people. Not by mighty nor by power but by the Spirit of the living God.

Before we launched this Ministry on Sunday 3rd January 2010 we started going around for door to door Evangelism, touching the hearts of many people with the Gospel of Salvation to the hearts of lost Souls equipping them to be ready to attack satan because he is our greatest enemy.

We have a Vision of having this Ministry becoming a place where everyone will call Jerusalem. It will be place where the sick will be handled with care.
A place where the Spirit of God will be in full control of everything done in this Ministry. A place where problems will be solved by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

A place where the presence of God will be felt everywhere, a place where Demons will be cast out.
A place where God’s people will be set free.
A place where we shall unite God’s people through:
• Mission outreaches
• Training pastor and other Leaders on how to handle the flock
• Youth Ministry
• Sound Ministry
• Music (Praise and Worship, Choir)
• Hospital ministry
• Schools and Colleges Ministry
• Men Ministry
• Ladies Ministry
• Children and pre-teens
• Ushering Department
• Home cells
• Couple ministry
• Pulpit ministry
• And all other supporting Ministries.

God led us to Matopeni Slums to tackle the needs of the slum inhabitant. We believe in giving hope to the hopeless as I have stated earlier. There are some ministries in this place. We will try our best to come together and work as a team because we can not contain all the people in one Ministry or in one Church.

As we were praying, God connected me to some of His servants, who encouraged me to open this Ministry and serve the people of God without reservation. God Bless you wherever you are because of your encouragement to me. In Matopeni Prostitution and alcoholism is very high. We have widows and their children, Single Mothers and their Children. Street kids etc living in this slum.

People here don't care about their lives. This has made many families loosing their beloved ones as a result of HIV/AIDS. The rate of giving birth in this place is very high. We have many children without fathers. Due to this, they run away from their mothers to seek for fatherly love. On the streets the men they meet are street children who have stayed on the street until they have become grownups. They join them. Instead of this kids receiving love from a man they become spoiled because they are taught on how to steal money to earn a living.

Children are forced to stop going to school to go to work at the quarry which in the evening they go home with less than a dollar. Many people young and old are busy looking for money, they don’t have time to seek the face of God. Others spend time in damping places to find dirty foods to eat, which has also made them to become street kids.

As that one is not enough, these street kids engage themselves in immorality. They have also given birth on the street. Nobody is interested in what is happening. They stay in cold like animals. We pray that God opens doors so that we can stretch our hands to help many of them. They are human beings like us. They need to be loved because they also have their rights.

We have witnessed cases where young girls sell their bodies to have food on their tables. Some people come from other Estes mostly in the evening and weekends to drink local brews and drugs, we call them (busaa, changaa Muguuka ) etc. because some of them have money, they use it to deceive young ladies in Matopeni.

They have made families to break because they even entice married women whose husbands are not able to satisfy their needs because they don’t have enough money to take care of their wives. So God gave us these people to take care of them and nurture them, pray for them and lead them to salvation as the Bible says. Please please we need your prayers and support so that this vision can be accomplished.

We plan to give hope where there is no hope in all aspects of life by:
•Purchasing PA system which will allow us to preach the Gospel starting from Matopeni to the other parts of Kenya to the entire world.
•Purchasing a piece of land where we will call Home, a starting point of our Missions.
•Ascertaining a Ministry in Matopeni which is Soft Voice Mission Ministry
•Drilling Water points within the Slum to serve the Community.

I have toured the place and the following are the photos showing how the place is:

The residents of Matopeni Slum don’t clean water for drinking and other domestic use. People walk for a long distance to search for water.

Following the high cost of constructing a church building, God connected us to one brother who has a School in Matopeni Slum. We shared with Him the vision we have upon the slum. God touched Him. He allowed us to use some of his classes to open Soft Voice Mission Ministry. It is not a very good environment for the church. There are sometimes when we will want to have week day meetings like lunch hour services, evening services, counseling services, Conferences. But this place will not be the best to use for all this purposes because the classes are occupied by pupils in weekdays .

Again the way the classes are build, they are very small. Since we believe in growth, soon the classes will be too small for us. We request our friends in the Lord wherever you are to pray for us for God to open doors so that we can purchase a land where we can put a Sanctuary for the Lord. Where there is no Vision people perish and Faith is a substance of things hoped for.

We believe that our God is able to do it. These classes are build of Iron sheets which are too hot when the climate is Sunny. We need to have fans which can give us fresh air in` this small classrooms. The floors of these classes are not cemented so there is too much dust that can bring diseases.

We need also to improve this learning center for our Kids to find a smooth place of learning. These kids need learning materials like books, pencils, pens, rubbers, uniforms shoes etc. More so they need to be given food so that they can concentrate in their education. They also need computer classes which will require us to have computers etc. We please need your assistance where you can.

We don’t have resources to pay teachers, may God intervene in this situation. The reason why we decided to put this Ministry in this school for the time being is because we are targeting the parents who bring their children to this school. Towards the end of the year 2009 the school had a graduation ceremony where we encouraged pupils to work hard in there education up to University level. I was the one who was giving them certificates. It was so powerful. The following are some the photos we took during that time.

In this school because the place is a learning institution, we can not raise the pulpit. So it is hard for people sited behind to see the preacher front. This shows the plan we have for the Church, to make it a center of attraction within Matopeni slum so that it will offer hope to the souls attending the services.

As I said earlier, our need at this moment is to purchase equipments; we need to have Open Airs and Crusades in the area and beyond Matopeni. We need them for outside meeting and indoor meetings. I am pregnant for Matopeni slum. I pray than God touches brothers and sisters in the Lord to assist me to accomplish this vision, because I can not make it alone. I please need vision helpers to support me in fighting a good fight and finish the race.

We need your prayers because anything that starts with God will prosper. It doesn’t matter how it starts but the end of it matters. We need your support where you can.

We can not make it alone, please introduce us to your friends and explain to them what is happening. Who knows, maybe one of them may be touched and bless the work of God in Matopeni slums.

From Matopeni slum we need to open Soft Voice Mission Ministry in many slums in Kenya and in Africa because many people in slums are neglected by our governments.

We wish you a happy moment, a year of luminosity and a year of prosperity and fruitfulness. We pray for God to open doors which were shut down by the devil in your lives. May our Almighty God richly bless you.

Yours in Christ service,
Pastor Evans Gichana Kebungo.