Church Groups
1. Men Ministry
We are planning to start teaching men on how to support Ministry because they are the head of their families; women go to ask them for reasons to support the work of God. So they are supposed to get the vision and Support it us God blesses them.
2. Women's Ministry
We thank God for Ladies in this Ministry. They are focused in Supporting the Ministry. They have been meeting after service on Sunday to see what the can do to support the Ministry. They agreed to be contributing fifty shillings each to buy a burner and so many things. We call them women of focus. They don’t have much but God is doing something and I believe God is lifting them from one glory to another.
Vision 2020 Women Group
This is a group which was registered by women but soft Voice Mission Ministry is the umbrella.They are targeting women in the surrounding. They support one another in terms of food and material things in their houses. they contribute some small amount of money to assist one another.
They meet with all women born again and those ones who are not born again. Those who are born again get good time to share the word of God to those who are not born again. They Visit one another every now and then to know how everyone is going on with life.
Vision 2020 Women Group
This is a group which was registered by women but soft Voice Mission Ministry is the umbrella.They are targeting women in the surrounding. They support one another in terms of food and material things in their houses. they contribute some small amount of money to assist one another.
They meet with all women born again and those ones who are not born again. Those who are born again get good time to share the word of God to those who are not born again. They Visit one another every now and then to know how everyone is going on with life.
3. Youth Ministry
In every church the youths are the most important people. Someone said, if you save an old man you have saved and individual but if you save a youth you have saved a nation. Youths don’t have ties.
They can run to many places and evangelize because they don’t have someone to hinder them. They are young and strong to run with the Gospel from one place to another.
In Soft Voice Mission Ministry we recognize the youths very much. If youths are taught very well, they are teachable. They get hold of the vision
Very first because their mind is fresh. Youths have respect to their leaders. If they are taught how to respect them.
Since this Ministry is growing, we need to have young men and women who are ready for branches. We believe in teaching them about marriage. We counsel them on how to stay with their spouses.
In these days many marriages are broken because there is no counseling for the two. They enter into marriage blindly at the end of the day they throw hands for one anther. Ladies say, I can live without a man. Men also say if getting married is like this, I better stay alone. That kills a family because they lack a family tips.
4. Couples Ministry
Soft Voice Mission Ministry is a Family Ministry. We preach for couples. If a family is saved and is straight then it means that that Ministry or Church is perfect. If the family is affected the Church also is affected.
We pray for our family members wherever they are that God touches them and saves them because when this is done they will help one another in fighting our enemies the devil.
5. Children Ministry
We have Sunday school going on since we opened this ministry. We thank God for the children because we know that they are future leaders and pastors. Their teacher is Sister Carolyn
6. Single Parent Ministry
God loves all His people. The way we see people is not the way God sees them.
Some people don’t have business with single parents but our God is a God of second chance.
People say that single women are evil because they gave birth out of wedlock. But God doesn’t dwell in the first. He is a God of second chance. So long as we repent God is ready to forgive us.
If God forgave us we must also forgive. We pray for singles everywhere. We encourage them although they lost their love to someone else, God forgives them. If God forgives them who are we not to forgive them.
This are the type of people that we have in our Ministry. Most of them fear to come to church because of having children out of wedlock. They are human being like us. They need our prayers. They need us near them.
This are the type of people that we have in our Ministry. Most of them fear to come to church because of having children out of wedlock. They are human being like us. They need our prayers. They need us near them.
7. Widows' Ministry
Widows have been neglected in many places. We have decided to handle the matters of the widows. We pray that God who is the husband of the widows will open doors for us to take care of them.